Pac-Man Wiki


Pac-Land as seen in Pac 'n Roll

This article is for the location, Pac-Land. For the game, see Pac-Land.

Pac-Land is generally regarded as the area that Pac-Man and co. live. It was first introduced in Pac-Man: The Animated Series and then in Pac-Land, but was also used in the Pac-Man World games, particularly Pac-Man World 2. In Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures, Pac-Land is renamed "Pac World".

Environments in Pac-Land[]

Pac Town[]

The Pac Town is a town filled with houses and fire hydrants that (as with most places) ghosts have an interest in terrorizing. The ghosts ride in cars and poke their heads through windows dropping nasties onto Pac-Man in attempt to foil his journey.


The forest is spooky and the trees make an excellent hiding spot for the many ghosts there for a surprise attack.


The mountains are thin and Pac-Man must jump from one to the other. Their are platforms that contain rolling logs which make Pac-Man slide in the opposite direction.


A flat, barren area. The only threat seems to be ghosts and the chance of dying from thirst.

Environments in Pac-Man World 2 (In-game descriptions)[]


"A lush meadow forest where Pac-Man must search for he first stolen fruit. Here he encounters a variety of forest enemies, including Pac-Bears, and even a Ghost carrying a Blunderbuss. Little does Pac-Man know that the Ghosts are expecting him."

Tree Tops[]

"Don't look down! Far up in the dizzying heights of the rainforest canopy, Pac-Man looks for the next Golden Fruit. Pac-Man must be wary and avoid the Saw Blades while he seeks out the B-Doings to help him find his way out."

Snow Mountain[]

"Get your earmuffs on? Pac-Man heads for the mountain where giant snowballs and a bad case of winter stand in his way. Can he successfully cross an ice river, jump deep crevasses and dangerous avalanches, all while dodging giant snowballs?"


"Hot! Hot! Hot! Pac-Man travels into an active volcano and discovers a host of fire creatures. The only thing that can protect Pac-Man from the heat of the lava is the Steel Ball Power-Up, so he'll have to make sure to use them wisely."


"Down to the very depths of the deep, Pac-Man dons a pair of Flippers to swim through two different levels and avoid terrors of the deep...sharks, jellyfish and eels! Professor Pac has been up to his experimenting self and has even created a Pac-Sub to help Pac-Man get to Ghost Island in one piece."

Ghost Island[]

"Only legends describe the horrors that exist on Ghost Island...It is a lonely place of torrential rains and lightning storms where every step and walkway can be treacherous...and deadly!"

Environments In Pac-Man World 3[]

Bot Boneyard[]

The bot boneyard is a junk =yard where the locals of the Banni Desert and Gogeka throw away their trash. It is insignificant to the Pac-people, though.

The Banni Desert[]

The Banni desert is most likely Gogekan territory. It is probably the same desert from Pac-Land.

Gogekka []

Gogeka Central, owned by the frog-like Gogekans, is almost like a full city in one structure. It is filled with grocery stores (seen when Pac-Man comes out of the elevator and fights the green spectral monsters) and other structures. It is also the location of the first of Erwin's spectral siphons. It is located somewhere in the Banni Desert.

Zephyr / The Cragstone Mountains[]

Zephyr or Zephyr Heights is a mountain range which used to be a home for a civilized race of people. Now all that's left is some abandoned ghost towns. Erwin's Fortress, the ancient catacombs, and the Cragstone Bridge are concealed within it. There are also three siphons inside it. It is known in the common Pac language as the Cragstone Mountains.

Ancient Catacombs[]

These abandoned tunnels inside the Zephyr Mountains used to be filled with temples and other things. The people of this abandoned ancient city tried to control the power of the spectral realm and blew themselves to bits.

Cragstone Bridge[]

Somewhere in the mountains, most likely in the Zephyr Range, is a bridge. One of the ancient races of Zephyr most likely built it. Near it is Erwin's Fortress.
