Pac-Man Wiki

Sunny is a legendary Pac-World explorer who along with her husband Zac were the parents of Pacster who mysteriously disappeared when he was still an infant. The mystery of their ultimate fate is one of the driving elements of the plot in Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures.

She was the little sister of Spheria, Pac's aunt.


Zac and Sunny were famous explorers and members of the legendary Yellow Ones, a rare tribe of yellow Pac-Worlders with unique powers. They spent most of their lives uncovering mysteries across Pac-World and leaving clues to the places they visited. They somehow even traveled to other planets, where they made enemies of Apex, an evil alien overlord. At some point the two fell in love and had a son they named Pacster.

Around the time their son was born, the great Pac World War began due to the actions of General Betrayus. Zac and Sunny did their part for their war in fending off the forces of Betrayus. It was during this time that they also would end up meeting an older version of their son and his friends from the future who ended up in the past and helped in the Pac War, giving the older Pacster a chance to meet and bond with his parents.

Despite their victories, nearing the end of the Pac War, Zac and Sunny disappeared, having been frozen and captured by the evil Pacinator along with all the other Yellow Ones, minus Pacster who was left an orphan to be raised by his Aunt Spheria. The Pacinator had done so under the command of the evil Apex who wanted to harness the mystical power of the Yellow Ones for a sinister plot and presumably to get back at Zac and Sunny, and he took the frozen Yellow Ones back with him to his home planet. Betrayus would then ignorantly take the credit for their disappearance.

There is some level of ambiguity as to the final fate of Zac and Sunny. Although in the final episode, Elli claims to have met them when her mom took her on a trip to an unknown location, hinting that they may still be alive somewhere, but in hiding. Upon whispering this to Pacster and telling him of the place she met them at (so as to keep Betrayus' spies from finding out), Pacster excitedly told his friends to pack their bags as they would be going on a major adventure to find his parents at the mysterious place Elli spoke of.


Sunny is a yellow Pac-Worlder with orange hair, purple, thick- rimmed glasses, purple eyes and white gloves.


Sunny is a good cook, loves her family, and shows a loyal side, caring for the well-being of Pac-World and especially the future of her son, Pac.


  • Sunny was known for her cooking, with her food considered truly delicious.
  • As Zac's fedora seems to be a nod to the original Pac-Man from the 1980s cartoon, Sunny has brown hair like Pepper from the same show.