Pac-Man Wiki

Gogekka is a huge, run-down, tower-like area seen in Pac-Man World 3. Not much is known about this place, aside from it being held together by a fat, somewhat plumber-like green man.


Gogekka Central[]


Pac-Man running through Gogekka.

Gogekka Central is the first area of Gogekka Pac-Man is ported to by Orson. It's also the first level in the game to take advantage of Pinky's magic powers. Almost as soon as Pac-Man enters, he encounters the green man mentioned before and promises to help him get rid of the monsters in the area. Erwin had also set up a Spectral Siphon in the area, but by hacking into the hardware thanks to Orson, Pac-Man was able to destroy the siphon.

Gogekka Heights[]

Gogekka Heights is the second and last area of Gogekka Pac-Man encounters. At this point in the story, Gogekka has been set on fire by Erwin. This was to buy time for him to set up his master plan: blowing up Gogekka. While Pac-Man puts the fires out with the emergency sprinkler system, Erwin begins to set the bomb off. Pac-Man did eventually defuse the bomb regardless, and after that was ported to the next area.
